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July Challenge Update

And just like that we’re halfway through the year!

An enthusiastic welcome to our teams this year from seven amazing universities: the Australian National University, University of Technology Sydney, Macquarie University, the University of Newcastle, the University of Queensland, the University of Melbourne, and for the first time joining the Challenge: Monash University! We have 80 sign ups this year and cannot wait to meet everyone who will be coming to our first ever in person Final Showcase in September later this year.

We’ve had two amazing webinars, the first was with IDT’s Senior Commercial and Technical Specialist Chia Jin Ngee, and the second was our intellectual property (IP) webinar with IP Flourish’s Dr. Tim Fitzgerald and Number 8 Bio’s Dr. Tom Williams. We appreciate everyone who came and hope the discussions positively impact your Challenge experience as well as your future projects.

We’re also beyond excited to add the ARC Centre for Excellence in Synthetic Biology, Main Sequence Ventures, and Illumina for Startups to our growing list of amazing sponsors. We thank you for your support!

Joining the organisers recently is Betty Zhang, CEO of Melbourne BioInnovation Student Initiative. You might see her in a bioinnovation conference near you, her positive energy is hard to miss!

Our Design Review and Showcase is fast approaching (happening the 14th of July!) and we're excited to find out what our awesome teams have in store for us. Watch this space for the project reveals!

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